Two ex-special operations guys armed with MBAs seek out people leading lives less ordinary, in order to find out how they fill their ‘unforgiving minutes’, and what helps them go, always, a little further. Like intellectual bowerbirds, we collect shiny little objects of knowledge that will help build better humans. Co-hosted by Ben Pronk and Tim Curtis.

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
WARNING- This powerful and inspiring episode also discusses eating disorders and related mental health struggles.
Liv Robinson’s first few decades of her life were a huge struggle. She found it hard to fit in to ‘normal life’. She battled with anorexia and related mental health illness which left Liv fighting for her life on a number of occasions.
Sport, creativity & Art were Liv’s invaluable tools to recovery. She now uses art as a form of therapy for others but also for team building and self awareness.
03:30 About Liv….. and insights from our tiny shower cubicle podcast studio.
06:50 The 800-pound gorilla in the room- battling anorexia
09:20 The pressure from school and expectations
12:10 ‘How hard can this be? Just eat something!’. Why that doesn’t work for anorexia.
18:00 Cycling in and out of good-bad-good health and the culminating point
22:00 Liv reinventing Liv … the power to choose your own identity
26:30 Liv’s mindset… noting that mindset can be negative and positive
29:00 Liv 2.0 arrives
32:15 Let’s talk Art! The formal study….
35:00 What piece of art has moved Liv the most in her life?
39:00 Female form and oceans
39:45 Working for UHNWI… and how to inspire workforces
42:20 How to use art as therapy
44:00 Massive murals….. how to do it!
47:50 Liv’s dream for art
53:05 What about art to buttress resilience?
57:00 What does Liv do for Liv
58:30 What is Liv’s Power Song! (See the U60 playlist on Spotify)
59:00 Is there a future collaboration……… ???
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The Externals – available on Spotify
Mitchell Martin - available on Spotify