Two ex-special operations guys armed with MBAs seek out people leading lives less ordinary, in order to find out how they fill their ‘unforgiving minutes’, and what helps them go, always, a little further. Like intellectual bowerbirds, we collect shiny little objects of knowledge that will help build better humans. Co-hosted by Ben Pronk and Tim Curtis.

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
S5E16 – Jade MacDonald Razvi: Freediving and ‘EH4AR’
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Jade MacDonald Razvi is a prominent Australian free diver and occupational therapist. She holds the second deepest dive in Australian history and recently won a bronze medal at the Free Diving World Cup. On this episode we talk about Jade’s growing up and freediving- how it works and how she trains.
As well as EH4AR (‘everything happens for a reason').
00:40 Starts with Ben’s hijack!
04:15 Jade on her lineage and growing up.
07:15 Sign language demonstration for the podcast audience
11:45 Jade’s swimming background- swimming into life! And swim times. And injuries.
19:00 What is an OT?
23:58 What is freediving?
25:20 Mermaids and Merbutlers
30:05 How Jade got into freediving and explaining competitions
39:00 How Jade rains for freediving…. without deep water.
46:30 Professional freedivers- are they a thing?
48:45 Breaking records!
1:01:33 How does Jade get herself through profound discomfort?
1:04:20 Applying a mantra and meditation in her diving
1:10:15 Can you lose the edge?
1:12:15 What is Jade’s limit?
1:14:00 EH4AR… Jade explains
1:18:20 Book recommendations and audiobook
1:20:45 Jade’s Power song and country music
1:23:25 Underwater predators
External Links
Jade’s Insta
Martin McPhilimey episode is here
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify
Mitchell Martin - available on Spotify

Monday Sep 09, 2024
S5E15 – Leigh Anderson: The Paramedic Mindset
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Monday Sep 09, 2024
We first had the privilege of meeting Leigh Anderson on the 2022 Resilience Retreat and have been stoked to stay in touch from there – particularly so given the recent publication of his book, ‘The Paramedic Mindset’. In this episode, Leigh talk with us about that book, as well as his 14+ years as a paramedic. Leigh discusses the ups and downs of the role including not only the amazing lifesaving assistance he has provided on countless occasions, but also those rare moments when his best wasn’t good enough. Along the way, he’s developed some impressive practical tools for grappling with pressure, trauma and failure, which he shares with us as well.
06:00 Leigh’s backstory – paramedicine via a close brush with professional rugby league!
11:15 Ben reveals his ignorance and asks ‘what exactly is a paramedic?!’
15:30 The human side of paramedicine
17:20 What DON’T you learn at paramedic school?!
19:20 What technique does Leigh recommend to stay calm and think clearly during high stress situations?
23:20 How partners can assist in high pressure situations
29:00 The (often unspoken) excitement of a really nasty job…and how paramedics can deal with continued exposure to trauma
34:00 An alternate (and brilliant) definition of success
37:00 Dealing with failure – and growth from trauma
40:00 The perils of role/identity fusion within paramedicine
46:00 Leigh’s experience on the 2022 Resilience Retreat (on a related note, sign up now for the 2024 Resilience Retreat – 24-27 Oct 2024 in the Gold Coast hinterland!)
48:15 How does Leigh put trauma behind him?
52:00 What is Leigh’s powersong?! (Maybe not what you’d expect – check it out!)
External Links
Monica Lewinsky’s TED talk on shame
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
S5E14 – Kat Rae: On Art, Soldiering and Creativity Through Loss
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Kat Rae is an artist who works across an incredible variety of media. Her confronting work, Deathmin, was recently recognised as winner of the 2024 Napier Waller Art Prize and represents the fourth time Kat has been shortlisted for this prestigious award. In this podcast, Kat talks about her artistic journey, including her first career within the Australian Army during which time she met her husband Andrew. Tragically, it was Andrew’s death that inspired her prizewinning piece and Kat very bravely talks to this devastating event and how she channelled this grief and frustration into Deathmin.
06:30 Kat’s background and early years – how she got into art….and the Army!
07:15 Some of Kat’s artistic inspiration included the ‘Angry Penguins’ – many of whom had completed military service
07:40 Art and Army – does that mix?!
11:30 Kat’s time at ADFA – the Australian Defence Force Academy
15:00 The Royal Military College Duntroon – not as much fun as ADFA….
16:00 Into the big world of Army – Kat’s military career, including a stint within the prestigious Australian Federation Guard
23:00 The tragic death of Kat’s husband Andrew
29:00 Kat discusses her Napier Waller prizewinning piece, Deathmin
36:30 So what is the Napier Waller art prize? And a little about Kat’s previous entries, including…
40:30 Cloud Slide, Coming Home and Reckoning
48:00 How did it feel to win on her fourth submission?
51:00 With all that she’s experienced – positive and negative – how does Kat now feel when she looks at the Australian Army?
1:02:40 What’s next for Kat – including within the art space?
External Links
Kat’s website – katrae.net
Kat’s Insta - @kat_a_rae
Kat’s 2024 prizewinning Napier Waller submission
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify

Thursday Jul 18, 2024
S5E13 – Bill Lennan: Making us 40% Better
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
This week we host Bill Lennan who will teach us how to be 40% better! He was a kit who was introverted and had social anxiety.. so Bill built his own toolkit.
As Bills tells his story...
- Friend: How'd you get that role?
- Me: Talking with strangers.
- Friend: What?
Talking with strangers is a gateway skill.
It enables you to talk with team-mates, stakeholders, leaders, execs, and clients. It also makes interviews way easier.
Let’s get into it
04:50 Bill growing up… and Tim needs to grow up (according to Ben)
06:15 Bill working on cars- Ferraris and more….
07:30 More beautiful car ever made?
Ferraris or Lamborghini?
10:15 Life after playing with supercars
12:00 Introversion and anxiety- Bill’s toolkit
13:45 Everything is a system…. And so understand the mental models
15:00 Dialectical behavioural therapy
20:40 Getting use to discomfort- that is about growth!
22:50 Critical thinking skills- is this unsafe or not. How do you look at scary things?
24:30 The value in physical risk
29:20 Talking AI and software. The future?
33:11 The phones not the problem. It’s the absence of alternatives that is the problem!
34:20 Risks and growing up
36:00 Farming and how rural setting change our focus
38:15 Leaders- system, reps and recipes- ‘latticework’s’. The big models for leadership development
44:15 What is kaizen and why does it work?
46:30 Talking people and performance
52:20 Making tough and unpopular decisions- how to do it if we are overly familiar?
55:50 What’s in Bill’s library
1:00:00 Bill’s Powersong!
External Links
Bill on Linked In
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
S5E12 - Martin McPhilimey: Take a Deep Breath
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Tim and Ben love breathing. Not just for the fact that it keeps them alive (although that is undoubtedly a strong benefit…) but also for the opportunity it gives to tap into the body’s autonomic nervous system and impact its emotional state. In this episode, they speak with Martin McPhilimey – someone who was researching the impacts of breath long before it was cool - and find out how the differences between some popular breathing techniques and when these are best applied.
07:30 Breath as the ‘core of the dynamic interplay’ between mind and body
08:30 Martin’s background – how he got interested in stress, breathing and sleep
10:30 The link between breathing and sleep
15:00 The importance of being a scientist and a practitioner
16:00 How Martin starts with a new client
21:00 The impacts and requirements for oxygen and carbon dioxide within the body
22:00 What is air hunger, why is it so powerful and what triggers it?
28:50 The benefits of increasing our air hunger tolerance
33:20 Using wearables to monitor and improve your breathing
36:15 Martin’s take on the utility and applicability of some of the more popular breathing techniques, including:
37:00 Box (or combat!) breathing…
38:30 …4-7-8 breathing…
40:25 ..and could 4-7-20 be better than 4-7-8?!...
41:00 …the physiological sigh, and…
43:45 Wim Hof or tummo style hyperventilation techniques
47:30 What Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can teach you about breath
51:00 Tips and trick for increasing our tolerance to air hunger?
54:30 Martin’s business – Performance Through Health
59:15 The Performance Through Health breath science certification
1:01:30 How to incorporate breathing techniques for children
1:04:00 What does Martin do for Martin? (Including his jiu-jitsu practice with Ground Control Jiu-Jitsu)
External Links
Martin’s Insta – some great stuff on here, give him a follow
Martin’s LinkedIn
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify

Monday Jun 03, 2024
S5E11 – Dr Andrew Bengsen, Removing Ferals!
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Dr Andrew Bengsen talks to us this week about controlling ferals! Animals that is. Andrew has over 15 years’ experience in pest animal management or research and has been with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Vertebrate Pest Research Unit for a decade.
But also we discuss Andrew’s first career in the military- including serving in Rwanda over the period of the tragic and confronting Kibeyo massacre.
We talk about luck- both good and bad. And perspective.
As well as Andrews ‘role’ (very poor choice of words Tim) in the recent NSW floods, where Andrew’s family home was destroyed by the rising flood waters.
06:00 Andrew’s growing up and not finishing school. Joining the Army
11:45 Operational deployments being rare. Enter Rwanda
15:00 The complexity and challenges of peacekeeping operations
20:24 22 April 1995, the Kibeyo Massacre
24:00 Post Rwanda study … even without finishing school.
27:20 Being a bouncer in Townsville and learnings
34:00 Continuing study and enter into feral research (zoology and tropical ecology). The impact of feral animals and how we control them
47:20 Complexity!
55:00 Talking about the impact of the NSW Floods
1:01:00 The importance of community during the disaster
More on NSW DPI and Andrews Work is here:
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify
Mitchell Martin- available on Spotify

Thursday May 23, 2024
S5E10 – Ruth Clare: Courage – and Confidence – through Action
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Ruth Clare, quite rightly, describes herself as a “multi-passionate human who doesn't fit neatly into a box!” Her formal credits include being a TEDx and motivational keynote speaker, award-winning author, embodied speaking coach, performer, mental health and child voice activist, as well as a qualified scientist with demonstrated expertise in authenticity, resilience and change. In this podcast, Ruth speaks with the boys about her traumatic childhood, which she captures in her truly moving memoir Enemy. But more than this, she also speaks about her growth from that point, and what she’s learned about the mind, the body and human interaction along the way.
04:42 Opening with a sobering quote from Ruth’s book
06:45 What was it like to be living as a child under the spectre of domestic violence?
10:30 Why Ruth wrote her book Enemy and what she’s learnt about some of the drivers for her father’s violence
16:30 Did Ruth ever feel safe at home?
20:30 How Ruth has worked to deal with the trauma that she suffered as a child, including focusing on her internal locus of control
27:00 Broaching the issues of PTSD with people who may be suffering…and the potential downsides of ‘trigger warnings’
37:15 Discussions on contemporary treatments for PTSD
47:30 Ruth’s resilience tools
52:20 Ruth’s power song!
External Links
Ruth’s website
Ruth’s Insta
Ruth’s book, Enemy
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify

Monday May 13, 2024
S5E9 – Adam Blum is No Easy Target
Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
CONTENT WARNING- This episode discusses mental health challenges and suicidal ideations as well as discussing the tragic death of a veteran.
Adam Blum had a troubled start to life, plagued by health issues and enduring a debilitating series of surgical procedures.
His school years were a torture.
Experiencing health and weight issues and diagnosed with ADHD, Adam faced constant bullying. His self-esteem was shattered under the weight of the relentless taunts and physical abuse of his peers. The persistent bullying continued into adulthood and in the workplace. At the age of 22, while suffering from severe depression, Adam decided to take his own life. But one vision and then a phone call changed his destiny.
We discuss forging fortitude, and how, Adam’s life was saved to enable him to become Adam V2.0
Adam lives in the foothills of the Blue Mountains and is currently a firefighter with the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS). He is the creator and host of a highly successful podcast called True Blue Conversations (Formerly True Blue History).
Adam is the author of ‘Easy Target’ which he hopes will help others build their own inner strength and self-worth.
04:00 Adam talks growing up, health issues and bullying- and its impact
09:10 Adam’s social networks to combat the negativity
12:30 Adams advice now to his high school self
15:05 ‘I’m not a victim’- the mindset
16:30 Adam talks about the catalytic moment that triggered his suicide attempt
26:13 The psychological angle and link to Adam’s weight and physical appearance.
30:55 Losing fingernails in trying to get through repeated obstacles… what else was Adam doing outside the medical and psychological- the positive people
35:15 Happiness and people/ social connections. Where did Adam find his tribe?
39:05 Adam enabled and facilitated his own turn around- & the secret to success
41:50 Silencing the voice in your head…. And creativity
47:25 Creativity and inspiration- and discipline!
48:55 Why write the book?
49:33 Ben and Tim are two -thirds of an author
54:00 Talking about Nick Hill who Tim and Adam both knew
External Links
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify
Mitchell Martin- song ‘Hope’

Thursday May 02, 2024
S5E8 – Riana Crehan ‘Suffers Well’; From Supercars to SAS Australia
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
On Riana during SAS Australia: “She’s a brilliant human. No bullshit, no ego, she just knuckled down and suffered well on the show” - Dr Dan Pronk
In this episode, Ben and Tim speak to television personality, SAS Australia candidate and all round superstar Riana Crehan- footnote that she is also a fellow West Coast Eagle supporter!
Brought up on a chicken farm Riana spent most of her childhood outdoors and dancing. In 2007 Riana got a work experience role with the V8 Supercars working on their onsite broadcast. The rest is (Supercars) history. She is a journalistic icon on the screens of motor sports in Australia. Married to Will Davison (Dick Johnson Racing Supercar driver), Riana balances work and life (including motherhood)- juggling demanding travel schedules.
You will also have seen Riana when she took part as a contestant on SAS Australia, and she aced it.
And amidst it all Riana manages to also stay fit including through cycling and triathlon.
03:00 On growing up on a chicken farm; dancing and playing sports
08:20 Riana decides to study nursing
09:45 How and where does car racing fit in?!
14:15 Riana the introvert- and talking about how many introverts occupy a ‘stage’
15:20 Leadership roles and natural talent- does it exist?
17:50 How does Riana deal with criticism- particularly social media warriors
22:20 How can one get interested in Supercars? What is it like?
24:40 Tim talks about working with a Supercars Team- athletes and high performance. Riana gives context?
28:20 The narrowing of sporting margins
31:00 Riana talks about her time on SAS Australia
36:10 Talking imposter syndrome… how to take stock of that.
38:50 Talking shared hardshop and team building
42:10 Dr Dan says that Riana knows about ‘suffering well’. Riana responds and gives context on how she suffers well and what got her through the difficult moments
50:30 On motherhood, and the juggling game of life
55:00 Riana’s power song is here
External Links
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify
And Enjoy Band – available on Spotify

Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
As a special Anzac Day release, please enjoy our chat with MAJGEN (ret’d) Jake Ellwood. Jake is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, a role which puts him at the forefront of reconstruction and resilience within the state, particularly in the face of relentless natural disasters. And he’s definitely the man for the job, having spent a long, distinguished and varied first career within the Army, rising to the rank of Major General. In this episode, Jake talks to the boys about his early days, the highlights of his Army career, his philosophy of leadership and character and what he thinks can make a community resilient.
05:20 Straight out of the gate – why ‘Jake’?!
07:30 Jake’s military background, from a private in the Army Reserve….to a Major General in the fulltime Army (including run-ins with both hosts at various points in his career!)
12:00 From such a long, varied and distinguished career, what are the standout moments?
15:48 Jake’s view on character as an indispensable leadership quality… and the role of ethics within this
27:30 Are ‘kids these days’ less resilient than we used to be back in the day?
32:26 Jake’s current role as the CEO of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority
36:30 What are communities doing well to ensure their resilience against – and during – natural disasters?
42:10 What does Jake do for himself? (Answer: Running!)
45:05 The mental aspects of running – and how to overcome the mental difficulties of running
48:30 Jake on running the 2018 Boston Marathon (renowned as one of the most miserable Bostons ever! Check this out!)
52:44 Jake on Run Army, its beginnings and what it means to him
1:04:20 Jake looking forward to running the 2024 Run Army in a week’s time (postscript – while Jake spoke about doing this race at a casual, enjoyable pace, it turns out his version of ‘casual’ is probably different to most of ours – he came in the top 60 in just over 40 minutes!)
1:10:41 What is Jake’s ‘power song’?
External Links
Dr Simon Longstaff, Executive Director of The Ethics Centre
Queensland Reconstruction Authority
Contact Us
Email us at debrief@unforgiving60.com
Instagram, Twitter: @Unforgiving60
Music …. With thanks to:
The Externals – available on Spotify